Experiencing Signs Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Business woman tired at work suffering from headacheFrom a young age, we may have experienced at least one person we know snore in their lives. After all, it is often a sign of a restful night of sleep, right? While occasional snoring never harmed anyone, it is chronic snoring you want to be on the lookout for. As a matter of fact, chronic snoring can be a sign of an even bigger concern known as obstructive sleep apnea, and it is best to know the signs and seek treatment early in situations such as these. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX dentist discusses the signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, as well as details what to expect throughout the process.


Is Your Partner A Chronic Snorer?

Woman covering ears with pillow while man snoresNothing is more trying on the nerves than a partner who snores chronically. Though to you it may seem as though it is an indicator of restful sleep, in all actuality, the opposite is likely true. Moreover, being constantly awoken by loud gargling sounds and snoring can make your night of slumber restless as well. Though snoring is something everyone has at least experienced, or have known someone that has experienced it, it is important to look into the root cause of the phenomenon. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX dentist discusses the possible causes and effects of untreated snoring and how our team can provide treatment that helps.


Chronic Teeth Grinding And Its Primary Causes

people , health and stress concept - unhappy woman suffering from head ache at homeYour smile is one of your greatest assets, and one that could certainly use a bit of help from time to time. Indeed, there are countless threats out there that can negatively influence your oral health, and some are more common than you might think. While the number one way to stay on top of a healthy smile is to practice regular dental prevention, sometimes other phenomena can negatively affect your health without you even knowing it. In today’s blog, your  Houston, TX dentist explores the causes and effects of chronic teeth grinding and offers solutions to prioritize your smile’s health.


Major Functions Of An Oral Appliance

Young african-american man visiting dentist's office for prevention and treatment of the oral cavity. Man and male doctor while checkup teeth. Healthy lifestyle, healthcare and medicine concept.Taking care of your body and your health may seem as though it is a straightforward concept. In all actuality, there is often much more than meets the eye. You see, your oral health is influenced by a great many of factors, and because of this, it is very important to stay on top of your regular preventive dental routine. Keep in mind, however, that nontraditional oral health concerns such as chronic bruxism and sleep apnea have even larger, total-body effects on your overall health. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX dentist looks at the role of an oral appliance, and what you should know about sleep issues.


Are You Experiencing TMJ Disorder?

TMJ headache vector isolated. Illustration of a woman suffering from headache caused by TMJ disorder. Tension pain.Getting a restful night of sleep is something that is critical for your overall health. Not only does it help energize and recharge your body, but sleep has been found to greatly influence cognitive and motor behaviors and abilities. That being said, any sort of sleep disruption may not seem difficult at first, but consistently, it can complicate your body’s functioning and health status. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX dentist takes a look at the way nighttime teeth grinding can negatively influence your oral health, as well as how it leads to a problematic jaw dysfunction known as TMJ disorder.


Taking A Look At Sleep Issues

A man lay down on the bedTaking care of your oral health is already a lifelong commitment, as the various bacteria, germs, infections, diseases, etc. that come into contact with your smile threaten your health’s integrity on a consistent basis. What’s worse is that these are only the tip of the iceberg. While these are threats that we often fend off with regular preventive care, the fact of the matter is that there are other, nontraditional dental concerns out there that can lead to negative impacts on our health as well. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX dentist defines what a sleep issue is, as well as discusses the different types of sleep issues that can harm your smile and your health.


The Dangers Of Untreated Teeth Grinding

Side view portrait of a woman with hypersensitivity biting an ice creamAs your primary dentist, our main goal is to help prioritize your oral health through top-of-the-line dentistry and care. Indeed, traditional issues such as tooth decay and gum disease can cause significant harm to your smile if they are left untreated, but it is also important to recognize that other nontraditional issues such as snoring or grinding your teeth can get in the way of these goals as well. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX dentist performs a deep-dive into the damaging nature of chronic teeth grinding, as well as what your treatment options may be.


What Are The Causes Of Snoring?

African-American woman with question mark sign on yellow backgroundMany patients report that they know at least one person in their lives who snore. While snoring may seem normal, in reality, it can be quite problematic. Whether you are aware of it or not, sleep disorders can affect every aspect of your life in some way or another. Indeed, issues such as restless leg syndrome, insomnia, and sleep apnea influence your safety, relationships, ability to function, and ultimately, your health. As such, it is always best to seek treatment sooner rather than later. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX dentist explores the causes of snoring and how you can address it.


Addressing Obstructive Sleep Apnea

head man wearing sleep mask with Insomnia z letters silhouette style icon vector illustration designWhen you are young, you are told about the importance of practicing routine dental prevention. After all, there are several factors out there that pose a significant threat to your oral health, and without the help of routine brushing and flossing, these situations would only get worse. As such, you may have developed a habit of caring for your smile at home in the hopes of obtaining a healthy smile for life. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX dentist takes a look at the way nontraditional concerns such as a sleep disorder can impact your health, as well as what your treatment options may be.


Unexpected Consequences of Sleep Disorders

insomnia woman on bed with sheeps design, sleep and night theme Vector illustrationWhile traditional dental concerns such as tooth decay and gum infections are what often come to mind when protecting your teeth from harm, that is not to say that they are your only concerns. As a matter of fact, nontraditional sleep issues such as snoring and teeth grinding can lead to even bigger concerns down the line, and these problems are not above influencing your physical health overall. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX dentist takes a deeper look into the effects of sleep disorders, and how they can influence your health in a number of ways.
